reording sentencess

a) Would you like to know about the escape of the Tanzanians?
b) The Tanzanians in Africa have the highest literacy rate.
c) But they hardly have to read anything.
d) The reason of interest rates are the cost of soaring paper.
a) Most people are anxious abt the prospect of dental surgery.
b) For this fear the reasons are numerous.
c) In childhood many people relate the problem to a bad experience.
d) The fear sometimes becomes a phobia.
a) Unhappiness is the root cause of all discontentment.
b) A discontended man is always a slave to his desires.
c) He acts as his own enemy.
d) He does not care prestige for his position.
e) He only wants satisfactions of his desires.
Hope answer is helpful...
I have tried hard to answer this ...I am in class 6 and recently started using this app. If anyone finds error then please comment...