Science, asked by amikelawala, 29 days ago

Plants use the mineral nutrients, especially nitrogen,
present in the soil for their growth. As a result, there is
a depletion of nitrogen in the soil over a period of time.
Manures and fertilizers are used to replenish the nutrients
Roots of plants such as pea contain
in the soil. Besides nitrogen, they also contain potassium bacteria called Rhizobium. Rhizobium
and phosphorus needed by plants for healthy growth. converts atmospheric nitrogen into
usable forms, e.g., ammonia. The
The symbiotic association
plant in turn provides nutrients for
Word Help
of Rhizobium and
the bacteria's growth.
Depletion Reduction
leguminous plants, such as the pea plant, is a natural way of
Replenish To fill up again
replenishing the soil with nitrogen. So, sometimes farmers
grow leguminous plants alternately with other crops to
SHEHERE DOENSTANO restore the nitrogen content of the soil.
.et's Remember.
sorr I know it's not a question but I was not under standing it​


Answered by mehtahiren1978



There are two types of text c0des. It can either change the font of the letter or the sentence.

There are five fonts, Roman(rm), Typewriter(tt), Sans Serif(sf), small caps(sc), and Itallic(Basic Font). The mathematical font is used for sets only.

The highlighters are Bold, Slanted, and Underline.

Type A. Word C0des

The spacebar doesn't add space between the words.


→ \rm{LATEX}, Roman


→ \tt{LATEX}, Typewriter


→ \sf{LATEX}, Sans Serif


→ \bold{LATEX}, Bold


→ \mathbb{LATEX}, Mathematical Font



→ \underline{LATEX}, Underline

Type B. Sentence C0des

These c0des are used to change the font of sentences.

\text{An example.}An example.

→ \textrm{An example.}, Roman

\textsc{An example.}\textscAnexample.

→ \textsc{An example.}, Small Caps(PC only)

\textsf{An example.}An example.

→ \textsf{An example.}, Sans Serif

\texttt{An example.}An example.

→ \texttt{An example.}, Typewriter

\textsl{An example.}\textslAnexample.

→ \textsl{An example.}, Slanted(PC only)

\textbf{An example.}An example.

→ \textbf{An example.}, Bold

\textit{An example.}An example.

→ \textit{An example.}, Itallic



→ \sin, \csc, \arcsin

\cos,\sec ,\arccoscos,sec,arccos

→ \cos, \sec, \arccos

\tan, \cot, \arctantan,cot,arctan

→ \tan, \cot, \arctan

f\circ gf∘g

→ f \circ g



→ \triangle


→ \square


\textdegree\textdegree (\textdegree) appears only in PC view, and colored texts, \cancel{F}


(\cancel{F}) appear only in mobile view. Also, c0decogs.c0m supports LATEX, so you can test your c0de there.

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