Report fo mosquito density are significantly positively correlated with tree densities
mosquito densities......
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Mosquito densities are significantly positively correlated with tree densities
This project will investigate how mosquito community dynamics are affected by tropical deforestation and fragmentation. Land use changes, including deforestation, agriculture, and urbanization, have coincided with an increase in vector-borne diseases worldwide. Land use changes may alter mosquito populations by modifying the characteristics of aquatic larval habitats, but we still poorly understand the physical, chemical, and biological factors involved. Samples were collected from urban land and pastureland compared to native forest. Urban land and pastureland habitats were mostly artificial containers compared to ground pools in native forest. Generalized linear modeling (GLM) revealed nine environmental variables that were significantly different between land uses. Of these variables, mosquito density was significantly (positively) correlated with bacteria and dissolved organic carbon. When location and date were controlled for in GLM, mosquito density was (negatively) related to the presence of vegetation and combined predators. Urban containers and stock drinking troughs had high mosquito densities, suggesting that an initial step in directing control operations should be to focus on these habitats.........