Report : microscopy Grams stain pus cells seen, gram positive cocci seen ZN stain AFB not seen wlture yields commensals
microscopy Grams stain pus cells seen, gram positive cocci seen ZN stain AFB not seen wlture yields commensals
Ziehl-Neelsen (Acid Fast) staining technique
The cell wall of Mycobacterium sps typically contain waxy substance (mycolic acid) that makes it impervious to staining by aqueous staining solutions. These bacteria can not be stained by simple stains or even by Gram staining. These bacteria can however be stained by drastic measures, and once stained can not be readily decolourized by weak mineral acids. Hence, these bacteria are called acid fast bacilli and the staining method is called acid fast staining. It is also a type of differential staining method.
Acid fast staining was introduced by Ehrlich in 1882. It was subsequently modified by Ziehl and Neelsen. There are two types of acid fast staining: hot method and cold method. Ziehl-Neelsen is a hot method of acid fast staining. The components of Ziehl-Neelsen stain include primary stain (strong/concentrated carbol fuchsin), decolourizer (20% H2SO4) and counterstain (Loeffler's methylene blue).