report on how modern gadgets are influencing human relations
technical and electronic gadgets occupy a major place in our day to day lives. Though these gadgets have their own advantages,they also have negative impact on human relationships. they play a vital role in our lives today. Most of us are addicted to them.
By using technical gadgets like Mobile phones, televisions and computers, we are not even spending enough time to sleep.we are creating new diseases by using these gadgets like brain tumor, etc.
Before these devices people used to spend their time with their family members and their neighbours. Children used to obey to the parents. They are very free to do all their works and they used to meet their old and close friends. physical activity of children was also good.
But after these technical devices came into usage no one is talking to others. Everyone are busy in their own life. they are spending more time with thier phones only. Children are not even listening to their parents and moral values and human relationships are vanishing day by day. Radiation is increasing. New diseases are arising. children are spending most of their time with the phones only. They are not playing and becoming too obese day by day.
To avoid such type of problems, we have to use technical devices and gadgets for a limited time.