report on nature medicines
An Article is a substantial novel research study, with a complex story often involving several techniques or approaches. The main text (excluding abstract, online Methods, references and figure legends) is 3,000 words maximum. The abstract is 150 words maximum, unreferenced. Articles have a maximum of 6 display items (figures and/or tables). An introduction (without heading) is followed by sections headed Results, Discussion and online Methods. The Results and online Methods should be divided by topical subheadings; the Discussion does not contain subheadings. As a guideline, Articles allow up to 60 references.
Articles include received/accepted dates. They may be accompanied by supplementary information. Articles are peer reviewed, and authors must provide a competing financial interests statement before publication.
A Letter reports an important novel research result, but is less substantial than an Article. This format begins with an introductory paragraph (not abstract) of 200 words maximum, summarizing the background, rationale, main results and implications. This paragraph should be referenced, as in Nature style, and should be considered part of main text, so that any subsequent introductory material avoids too much redundancy with the introductory paragraph. The text is limited to 1500 words, excluding the introductory paragraph, online Methods, references and figure legends. As a guideline, Letters allow up to 40 references. Letters should have no more than 4 display items (figures and/or tables). Letters are not divided by headings, except for the online Methods heading.
Letters include received/accepted dates. They may be accompanied by supplementary information. Letters are peer reviewed, and authors must provide a competing financial interests statement before publication.
A Technical Report presents primary research data on a new technique or method that uniquely enables new preclinical or clinical research of very broad interest. It may present a new biological discovery to demonstrate the utility of the technique, but substantive biological conceptual insight is not a requirement. Technical Reports have a format broadly similar to that of Articles, though many Technical Reports are shorter than a typical Article. They begin with an unreferenced abstract (typically 150 words) followed by separate sections for introduction, Results, Discussion (with optional subheadings) and online Methods. There is no strict limit on the number of display items. As a guideline, Technical Reports allow up to 40 references.
Technical Reports include received/accepted dates. They may be accompanied by supplementary information. Technical Reports are peer reviewed , and authors must provide a competing financial interests statement before publication.
A Brief Communication reports a concise study of high quality and broad interest. This format may not exceed 3 printed pages. Brief Communications begin with a brief unreferenced abstract (3 sentences, no more than 70 words), which will appear on Medline. The main text is 1,000 words maximum, plus references and figure legends, and contains no headings. Brief Communications normally have no more than 2 display items. Brief Communications include an online Methods section. As a guideline, Brief Communcations allow up to 20 references. Article titles should now be included in the reference list.