Report writing format class 10
Following are the most important constituents of a report:
1. Headline:
- Short and simple
- In bold letters and in centre alignment
- Easy to understand language
- Avoid articles
- In simple present tense
- In passive voice
- Related to the topic
- Appealing, catchy and attractive
2. Date:
- Write the date after leaving a line after the headline
- Write the date in the left hand side of the page
- e.g. 17 May, 2014 or May 17, 2014
3. Place
- Write the name of the city exactly after the date
- Mentions the actual name of the city if it is given in the question
- If not given in the question, let the name be X Y Z city
4. Name of the reporter (not applicable for newspaper reports)
5. Designation of the writer (not applicable for newspaper reports)
6. Introductory paragraph
- Should be easy to understand
- Should cover the most important aspects of the event
- Should answer the questions: what, where, when, who, in one sentence only
- Should not go to much in detail about the event
7. Description of the event
- The detail description of the event in the second and the third paragraph
- Should be in order of occurrence of the event (flow of the event)
- Should be in simple past tense
- Should be in semi-formal language
- Should answer the questions: how, who and why
8. Eye witness account
- Only applicable for the newspaper reports
- Sometimes can be used in other forms of reports as well
- Should be in indirect or reported speech, or in quotations marks
- Should be in less than two to three sentences
9. Further investigation or concluding paragraph
- Only applicable for the newspaper reports
- Further investigation should be done by the authorities like Police Department or by Government officer in some cases
Report writing is an essential skill in many disciplines. Master it now at university and writing reports in the workplace will be easier. A report aims to inform and sometimes to persuade. They should be written as clearly and succinctly as possible, with evidence about a topic, problem or situation.
Format of report writing:
If viewers are having any problem in viewing the format, kindly see it on the web( for better concept and understanding.