Represent √7.4 and √3.5 on the number line with steps about how you did that . Need answer for both.
Representation of √7.4 on Number Line :
Step 1 : Draw a line and mark a point A on it
Step 2 : Mark a point B on the line drawn in Step 1 such that AB = 7.4 cm
Step 3 : Mark a point C on AB produced such that BC = 1 unit.
Step 4 : Find mid-point of AC. Let the mid-point be O.
Step 5 : Taking O as centre and OC = OA as radius draw a semi-circle. Also,draw a line passing through B perpendicular to OB. Suppose it cuts the semi-circle at D
Step 6 : Taking B as the centre and BD as radius drawn an arc cutting OC produced at E.
Here,length BE represents √7.4.
Representation of √3.5 on Number Line :
Step 1 : Draw a line and mark a point A on it
Step 2 : Mark a point B on the line drawn in Step 1 such that AB = 3.5 cm
Step 3 : Mark a point C on AB produced such that BC = 1 unit.
Step 4 : Find mid-point of AC. Let the mid-point be O.
Step 5 : Taking O as centre and OC = OA as radius draw a semi-circle. Also,draw a line passing through B perpendicular to OB. Suppose it cuts the semi-circle at D
Step 6 : Taking B as the centre and BD as radius drawn an arc cutting OC produced at E
Here,length BE represents √3.5

➤ To represent√7.4 on the number line
✭ First draw a line AB whose length is 7.4 cm. In addition to that add another 1 cm to AB and make the line AC
✭ So then now, draw a perpetual bisector of AC which meets AC at O
✭ After this draw a semi-circle whose radius is equal to AO
✭ Now keep a scale straight upwards at B and join a line which meets the semi-circle that we drew earlier and mark it D so now with BD as the radius draw an arc that cuts the line(already extend AC)
✭ Now the point where the arc cuts the line is √7.4
➤ To represent√3.5 on the number line
➳ Draw a line PQ = 3.5 cm and then from Q draw another 1cm and mark it as R(QR = 1 cm)
➳ Then draw a perpendicular bisector of PR which will cut PR at O.
➳ Then with OP as the radius and draw a semi-circle.
➳ Then now take a scale and keep it straight at Q and then draw a perpendicular line which cuts the semi-circle at S
➳ Now with QD as the radius draw an arc at which cuts the line (Note :extend PQ before itself)
➳ Now the point where the line is cut by the arc is √3?5