. Represent the number system by using diagrams (Collection of Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Integers and Rational Numbers)
The whole number(s) are 3 and -2. A whole number doesn't have fractions or places after the decimal.
The natural number(s) is 3. Think of a natural number as those used for counting, like "1, 2, 3, 4..."
The integer(s) are 3 and -2. An integer includes positive or negative whole numbers, and 0.
The rational number(s) are 3, -2, and 1/4. A rational number can be written as a fraction.
And irrational number, the square root of 5, cannot be written as a fraction. It is the opposite of a rational number. Another example of an irrationanl number is pi.
Step-by-step explanation:
Photosynthesis : It is defined as the process by which plant cell prepare food from inorganic materials like carbon dioxide and water in presence of sunlight and chlorophyll.