Requset for emis number
Letter writing
The Manager,
__________ (Bank Name),
__________ (Branch Address)
Date: __/__/____ (Date),
Subject: Request for EMI deduction
Sir/ Madam,
My name is _________ (Name) and I hold a loan account in your _________ branch (branch name) having account number ___________ (Loan Account number).
I am currently holding a ________ (Purpose of loan – housing loan/ vehicle loan) loan of _______ (Amount) with ________ (Number of EMIs) EMIs and ________ (Tenor) tenor.
I regret to inform you that my EMI was not deducted for the previous month i.e. ________ (Month) of financial year _____ – _____ (Year) due to the reason ________ (Mention reason – funds not available/account freeze/any other) and I am writing this letter to request you to kindly deduct the above mentioned EMI as the amount is now credited in my bank account.
Respected, my Customer ID is ________ (Customer ID) and I am ready to make the above said payment of amount i.e. ________ (amount) and ready to pay the applicable fine and penalty for delay of payment.
I look forward to hearing back from you at the earliest. I shall be thankful for your kind support. In case of any queries, you may contact me at __________ (Contact number).
Thanking you,
_________ (Signature)
_________ (Your name),
_________ (Contact number)