English, asked by Rukshanaa14, 1 year ago

Research any one aspect of how we are leaving carbon footprints and how can we modify our lifestyle

15 points !!!!


Answered by jacobcunningham202

What is Carbon Footprint?

To many, the notion of talking about their carbon footprint is still a novel one and in most instances, bearing in mind that human beings are sociable creatures, the subject of carbon footprints is rarely brought up in conversations. Yet, it’s important to start as early as today to have a conversation about the many ways you can reduce your carbon footprint. Before even reading any further, you can start thinking about ways to reduce the excess waste lying in and around your home. Seeing that space remains at a premium, you can begin by asking yourself this question; what don’t I need. After reading this article you will begin to have a clearer picture of just how much those unnecessary items contribute towards increasing your carbon footprint, rather than reducing it.

The term carbon footprint is defined as the amount of carbon (usually in tonnes) being emitted by an organization, event, product or individual directly or indirectly. Everyone’s carbon footprint is different depending on their location, habits and personal choice. Each of us contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions either by the way we travel, the food we eat, the amount of electricity we consume and many more.


For example, when you drive a car and burn fuel, it generates certain amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. When you heat your house, it also generates CO2 assuming that electricity is coming from coal powered plants and similarly when you eat food, it also generates some quantities of CO2 as the food gets processed.

There are people, organizations and even local governments who have begun talking about the carbon footprint and motivating each other to put in place plans to reduce their carbon footprint. But they aren’t always sure about the most effective ways forward.

They also react with caution (otherwise recklessly) because footprint reductions require a drastic change to lifestyles and current ways of doing things. This short explanation on the carbon footprint guides those still new to the concept.

   Essentially, the carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the Earth’s atmosphere due to the daily activities of humankind, whether domestically or commercially.

   It is also known as accumulative sets of greenhouse gas emissions caused by humankind or human-made products. It is argued that there is also no known method of calculating the total carbon footprint because of the large amounts of data allegedly required to do this.

   This argument of calculation is extended further in the belief that carbon dioxide is still mainly produced by natural elements.

Answered by Anonymous


Eat fresh. reducing the carbon footprint of your food by 7%. In addition to 'food miles',

  • storing and processing food consumes electricity, which in turn is produced by burning fuel, adding on to the carbon footprint of your food. Go for foods that are fresh, and preferably not processed

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