Research Method in Education
semester : 3rd
B.Ed (S!
1. What does randomization ensure in experimental research?
(a) Uniformity of the groups
(6) Similarity of the groups
(c) Uniformity and similarity of the groups
(d) Uniformity, similarity and equalization of
Time: 1
2. Power of the test of significance means probability of what?
(a) Incorrect rejection of the null hypothesis
(b) Correct rejection of the null hypot
(c) Incorrect acceptance of the null hypothesis
(d) Correct acceptance of the null hyp
3. What does F-ratio mean?
(a) A ratio between mean SSA and mean SSw
(b) A ratio which is always more tha
(c) A ratio between mean S St and mean S SA
(d) A ratio between mean SST and me
4. In which situation x2 (Cbi square) test can be used?
(a) k = 2, but some expected frequencies are less than S
(b) df is greater than I, but more than 20 per cent of frequencies are smaller than S
(c) Any expected frequency is smaller than I
(d) None of the above is found to b
5. What is wrong about non-parametric tests or significance?
(a) They are distribution-free techniques of analysis
(b) They assume that groups should be homogeneous
(c) They make no assumption about the parameters
(d) They do make certain assumptions, but these are fewer and less stringent.
6. In evaluating the significance of the research problem, an important social considerat
(a) The genuine interest of the researcher in the problem.
(6) Practical value of the findings to educationists, parents and social workers, etc.
(c) Necessary skills, abilities and background of knowledge of the researcher.
(d) Possibility of obtaining reliable and valid data by the researchers.
7. A hypothesis in educational research need not be
(a) A compatible with well-attested theories and models.
(b) Logically consistent and pertinent to the question under consideration.
(c) Capable of establishing generalizations that can be applied in many areas of education
(d) None of these.
8. Thinking analogously about hypothesis, a researcher should
(a) First bet and then roll the dice
(b) First roll the dice and ther
(c) Change his bet after the data are in.
(d) Have no bets, but
9. If the population on which a study is based is such that all its units can be reache
(a) Target population.
(b) Accessible population.
(c) Homogeneous population.
(d) Heterogeneous populati
10. Sampling frame means
(a) Identification of target and accessible population. (b) Defining sample unit and sel
(c) Preparing a complete list of the units of a finite population for drawing a sample.
(d) Fixing the sample size and drawing a sample,
11. Action research is ordinarily concerned with problems
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