Accountancy, asked by priyanshugarg1106, 1 year ago

Reserve bank of india and its functions


Answered by abhisrivastav33




Reserve bank of India is the financial bank and its founder name.Mr.british raj

it control the issuance and supply of indian rupee RBI is the regulator of intire banking of india it play very important role


Answered by JunkoEnoshima


The Reserve Bank of India is India’s central bank and is wholly owned by the Government of India. Established on April 1, 1935, the RBI’s main office is located in India’s capital of Mumbai. Active management of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is provided by the central board of directors, which includes the bank’s governor, a maximum of four deputy governors, and a few directors of relevant local boards. The central board delegates specific functions through its committees and sub-committees, including: the committee of central board, which oversees the current business of the central bank; the board for financial supervision, which regulates and supervises commercial banks, finance companies, and financial institutions; and the board for payment and settlement systems.

The main functions of the RBI include:

Monetary authority: formulates, implements, and monitors India’s monetary policy. The main objectives of which are maintaining price stability, ensuring adequate flow of credit to productive sectors, and financial stability.

Issuer of currency: issues currency and coins, and exchanges or destroys currency notes and coins unfit for circulation

Banker and debt manager to government of India: performs merchant banking functions for central and state governments and also acts as their banker, determines how best to raise money in debt markets to help the government finance its requirements

Banker to banks: enables clearing and settlement of inter-bank transactions, maintains banks’ accounts for statutory reserve requirements, and acts as a lender of last resort

Regulator and supervisor of the financial system: protects the interests of depositors, facilitates orderly development and conduct of banking operations, and maintains financial stability through preventive and corrective measures

Manager of foreign exchange: regulates transactions related to the external sector, enables the development of the foreign exchange market (forex), ensures smooth functioning of the domestic forex market, and manages India’s foreign currency assets and gold reserves

Regulator and supervisor of payment and settlement systems

Maintaining financial stability: an explicit objective of the RBI since the early 2000s

Development: ensures credit availability to productive economic sectors, establishes institutions to develop India’s financial infrastructure, expands access to affordable financial services, and promotes financial education and literacy

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