Science, asked by rohankedia7243, 1 year ago

Result/conclusion/finding of water pollution


Answered by Anonymous
hello friend,
 ConclusionAren’t we aware of the different problems occurring in our nature,especially in different bodies of water? Water pollution is the caused of ourundisciplined actions and irresponsibility. We, humans are only creatingproblems that consequently we will also carry the burden of these problems.We all know that water pollution can affect our health badly and seriously. Itcan cause such sicknesses and diseases that will badly affect our health. Weall know how important water is. Water is essential to our body. Neither wenor every living thing can’t survive without water. And so therefore, weshould keep, protect, save, and help prevent our waters from being polluted,we should act as early as now, we should save rivers, seas and oceans, andother bodies of water because we will also bare the burden of this problem.We should not wait for the time until people are competing just to getsufficient, fresh and clean water, the time where clean water is insufficient tothe people and animals, and the time where in our sources of water arediminishing or until the time where there are totally no sources of water. Andso, let us be disciplined and responsible enough to save, protect andconserve not only sources of water but also our mother nature because ournature provides and helps us in our daily lives. Let’s just realize howimportant our mother nature is. It is our only source of living. Let us notdestroy it nor pollute it. Let us act for a change. We need and we should helpsave and conserve our mother nature, especially the different bodies of water. Absolutely, there are many simple ways in how we can help. Changeourselves before we construct changes in our nature. Act right now!
Answered by topwriters

Water pollution kills.


Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human activities.

Contaminated water is the major cause of illness and depending on the toxin, can sometimes even kill. Disease like diarrhea, typhoid, hepatitis, renal failure, and even cancer can occur due to consumption of contaminated water. Children and pregnant women are particularly at risk.

Swimming in contaminated water can cause problems like skin allergies, pink eye, respiratory infections.

Polluted water affects animals, birds, plants as well as marine life. If the water is unfit for use, then the vegetation can be wiped off, many birds and animals that consume the contaminated water may die. And marine life like fish, shell fish and corals can be suffocated or starve to death due to the plastic waste floating on the sea.

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