English, asked by diksharathore021, 4 months ago

resurch on Hummingbird ​


Answered by shilpikne706


Hummingbirds are small birds in the family Trochilidae. They are distinguished by their ability to hover in mid-air by rapidly flapping their wings, 15 to 80 times per second. They are named for the characteristic hum made by their wings, and are the only birds that can deliberately fly backwards.

Answered by mitalidahiya0720


Songs of wild male Anna hummingbirds (Calypte anna) consist of syllables grouped into phrases. Nearest neighbors tend to share similar syllable types, rhythms and syntax. Songs from different localities contain different syllable types, syntax and repetition indices. A male raised by hand in isolation produced a song consisting of highly variable syllable types of a wide frequency range. The song was simple in structure, and syllables were not grouped into phrases. Three males raised by hand as a group sang songs containing two stereotyped syllable types sung in alternating sequence and without phrase structure. These three males shared syllable types and syntax. The data from our study indicate that despite its relatively simple syrinx the Anna hummingbird learns syllable types, frequency, rhythm and syntax (as do oscines with their more complex syringes) during the song development process.


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