Math, asked by drmanojkumar2016, 1 month ago

Reverse the digit of the number 297 to make a new number. Divide the difference of the two numbers by 99.
Check if there is any remainder. Check if the quotient equals the difference between the hundreds digit and
the one's digit.​


Answered by rajivkumar670


Reverse of digit 279 = 972

Difference between 972 and 279=972-279=495

Now divide 495 with 99 = 495÷99 = 5

The quotient is 5 and there is no remainder

Quotient = difference between hundreds digitand

one's digit

5 = 4-5 = -1

the quotient is not equal to the difference of hundreds digit and one's digit

Answered by srnroofing171711


Reverse of digit 297=972

5=4-5=-1 is correct answer

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