Revise these sentences by eliminating wordiness:
1.Some of the Roman government leaders during the time of Caesar's administration decided to conspire against Caesar by plotting his murder.
2.Even though the life of Cleopatra is widely known by students, in-depth study of her significant contributions to the ancient world has been a seldom topic that they want to undertake.
3.Cleopatra murdered her brother on account of the fact that it was urgent for her to keep her power as pharaoh.
4.It has been expected that the sinister plan will be plotted by the conspirators within the weakening of Caesar's influence in Rome.
5.There are countless ways in which a historiographer or a biographer who is familiar with the routine of researching great political leaders may come to know one.
6.It is extremely unusual to find a credible biographer who has kept sensitive information on purpose
7.War is caused when people disagree on ideas that have been established for a specific group of people.
8.After the death of Caesar, a number of desperate and tragic events occurred in Egypt as they were being conquered by Octavian. Cleopatra committed suicide while the rest of the people are left on their own without a pharaoh to lead them.
9.Cleopatra's relationship with Caesar is considered as most controversial to the Romans by the biographer Jacob Abbott.
10.At the end of Egyptian royalty, the Egyptians must have been made aware of the fact that there is a need for them to accept changes implemented by the Roman empire under Octavius' rule concerning the matter of religion.
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sorry i don't know
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