Biology, asked by harsh472864, 8 months ago

Revision test
Total marks 25

Q1. Fill in the blanks: (5×1=5)

A. ________ cells are specialised to carry impulses and signals between body parts and brain.
B. Nucleus is composed of ________, RNA AND DNA.
C. Foodborne disease are caused by eating_____ foods.
D. The female______ is a factor responsible for causing malaria fever.
E. Depositing of the solid waste in the low lying area of far away from populated area is known as________.

Q2. State true and false against the following statements and correct the false statement.(5×1=5)

A. Drinking water must not be treated against pathogens before use.
B. Disease causing microorganisms are known as pathogens.
C. Plastids are found in both plant cells and animal cells.
D. Amoeba have two nuclei and thus it is called as binucleate.
E. Nucleus is the control unit of the cell.

Q3. Define the following terms:. (5×1=5)
A. Plasmalemma
B. Vector borne disease
C. Communicable disease
D. Protoplasm
E. Cytosol

Q4. Answer the following in short. (5×2=10)
A. Write the different parts from which nucleus is made up of.
B. What do you mean by cell organelles?
C. Why should dry leaves not be burnt?
D. Describe composting.
E. Distinguish between communicable and noncommunicable disease by giving example.​


Answered by mariyammabonigala


please make me brainlist please

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