REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE GIVEN IN BRACKET. 5M A. (UNDERLINE THE VERB AND STATED WHETHER IT IS TRANSITIVE OR INTRANSITIVE) MARY KOM WON THE BOUT. B. Fill in the blanks with Reflexive pronoun. Some people like to scare______ by watching horror movie. C.Underline the verb in the sentence and write 'I' for Non-Finit and 'F' for Finite verbs. Dancing is Tina's favourite hobby. D. Identfy the subject, linking verb and the complement in these sentence. Moatoshi is a young man. E.change the voice into actve voice. My pocket has been picked up.
STATED WHETHER IT IS TRANSITIVE OR INTRANSITIVE) MARY KOM WON THE BOUT. B. Fill in the blanks with Reflexive pronoun. Some people like to scare______ by watching horror movie. C.Underline the verb in the sentence and write 'I' for Non-Finit and 'F' for Finite verbs. Dancing is Tina's favourite hobby. D. Identfy the subject, linking verb and the complement in these sentence. Moatoshi is a
STATED WHETHER IT IS TRANSITIVE OR INTRANSITIVE) MARY KOM WON THE BOUT. B. Fill in the blanks with Reflexive pronoun. Some people like to scare______ by watching horror movie. C.Underline the verb in the sentence and write 'I' for Non-Finit and 'F' for Finite verbs. Dancing is Tina's favourite hobby. D. Identfy the subject, linking verb and the complement in these sentence. Moatoshi is