English, asked by dhru191983gmal, 6 months ago

Rewrite the following sentences (1) as negative sentences and (2) as questions in
the simple present,
1. A kangaroo carries its baby in a pouch,
2. The postman comes on a bicycle,
3. A nurse dresses patients' wounds,
4. The sun is a star,
5. Ruskin Bond writes for children,
6. Smita, Tina and Tom study in Class 6.
7. An apple tastes better than a
8. In some states of our country, filme
actors become ministers,
9, Smoking damages the lungs,
10, Computers calculate faster than


Answered by Anonymous


cellphone, and social media use is both worrisome and reasonable at the same time. In your text, be sure to:

Clearly introduce your topic and provide a preview of what is to come;

Organize your text in paragraphs and sections;

Discuss each main point by including facts and details about it;

Use transitions to connect ideas within and between paragraphs;parcels it delivers. All parcels are identified by their tracking number and is associated with different parameters including weight, dimension, destination, delivery date, sender and receiver addresses. All items are received at various distribution centers across the country and are identified by their unique id, type and their addresses. All parcels make their way to the destination via one or more standard transportation methods (i.e. flights, delivery trucks, motorcycles, these transportation methods are characterized by their unique type, id and transportation identification number.

Your answer

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