English, asked by anandtechclg, 1 day ago

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence.

Example : Beside being wealthy, he is wise.
Answer : He is not only wealthy, but also wise.

1. Sumit is driving the Alto car; and he is my brother. (Use: who...)

2. He is sometimes lazy. (Use: active)

3. She was too immature to understand his tricks. (Begin: She was so...)

4. Not only did she put up with his nonsense, but also helped him. (Begin: Besides...)

5. If Mohan apologises, he will be given another chance. (Use: unless)

6. Because he had broken the window, his mother forbade him to go out and play.
(Begin: Having broken...)

7. "Do not forget to renew your Passport, Vikram," the teacher reminded him. (Begior: The teacher reminded...)

8. inHe didn't meet Anurag and I didn't either. (Begin: Neither)​


Answered by Virtuality


1. Sumit, who is my brother, is driving the Alto car.

2. He is mostly active.

3. She was so immature, that she couldn't understand his tricks.

4. Besides putting up with his nonsense, she helped him.

5. Unless Mohan apologises, he wont be given another chance.

6. Having broken the window, his mother forbade him to go out and play.

7. The teacher reminded Vikram to not forget to renew his passport.

8. [the question is incomplete, reply to me in the comments with the completed question so i could edit and type the answer for the question!! :D)

i hope this helps!!  

Answered by DarthOberon

1. The person who is driving the Alto car, is my brother.

2. He is not active sometimes.

3. She was so immature that she didn't understand his tricks.

4. Besides putting up with his nonsense, she also helped him.

5. Mohan will not be given another chance unless he apologizes

6. Having broken the window, his mother forbade him from playing outside.

7. The teacher reminded Vikram to renew his passport.

8. Neither him nor I met Anurag.


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