English, asked by hiranjanyadav70, 10 months ago

Rewrite the following sentences after correcting the errors they contain. (a) Much stories were written by them. (b) He hasn't got some roses in his garden. (c) Would (d) This is my and that is yours.​


Answered by nandinishurma


(a) Much stories were written by them.

Many stories were written by them.

(b) He hasn't got some roses in his garden.

He hasn't got any roses in his garden

c) and d) This is my and that is yours

this sentence is correct

Answered by priyarksynergy

The corrected sentences are listed below.


(a) Many stories were written by them.

Many times, the word “many” or “much” can be used to express either quantity or scale. As many is a mass quantifier, it refers to an unspecified or indefinite number of items in a specified category. It can be used with singular or collective nouns.

Much has a broader meaning than many, and in some contexts refers to a great degree or amount. Many is often used to convey a sense of quantity to a noun. Many can be used with singular or collective nouns.

(b) He hasn't got any roses in his garden.

The use of “some” and “any” by the student. In this sentence, “use” refers to using “some” or “any”. There are many uses of these two words. In this sentence, “use” refers to using “use” in the sentence.

(c) This is mine and that is yours.​

My and mine are different, even though they mean the same thing.  My is a possessive pronoun, and mine is a preposition. If I said, “my house is in the back yard”, I am saying that the house belongs to me, and not to some other homeowner, and I am implying that I live in the house. The house is mine.

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