English, asked by pankhurikanoo25, 10 months ago

Rewrite the following simple sentences to complex sentences.
1. In my hurry I forgot the most important letters,
2. Listeners never hear any good of themselves.
3. Finding the door unlocked, the thief entered the house.
4. It is impossible to trust the word of a habitual liar.
5. Gray, the author of the Elegy, lived in the eighteenth century.
6. The shepherd found the lost sheep.
7. The boy readily admitted his mistake.
8. Tell me your plans,
9. He could clearly remember the incidents of his youth.
10. On arriving at the foot of the hill, he blew his trumpet.​


Answered by upenderjoshi28


1. As I was in hurry, I forgot the most important letters.

2. Those who listen, never hear any good of themselves.

3. Since the thief found the door unlocked, he entered the house.

4. It is impossible to trust those people, who habitually lie.

5. Gray, who was the author of the Elegy, lived in the eighteenth century.

6. The shepherd found the sheep that had been lost.

7. The boy readily admitted that he made made mistake.

8. Tell me what your plans are,

9. He could clearly remember what had happened in his youth.

10. As soon as he arrived at the foot of the hill, he blew his trumpet.​


A complex sentence has one independent and one or more dependent clauses. The clauses in a complex sentence can be in any order. If the dependent clause is first, a comma is usually after it.

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