rewrite the sentences using simple past tense

4) I traveled to Hyderabad regularly.
4) I traveled to Hyderabad regularly. 5) This train went to Chennai.
4) I traveled to Hyderabad regularly. 5) This train went to Chennai. 6) He dropped the book on the floor.
4) I traveled to Hyderabad regularly. 5) This train went to Chennai. 6) He dropped the book on the floor. 7) The sky become dark in the evening.
4) I traveled to Hyderabad regularly. 5) This train went to Chennai. 6) He dropped the book on the floor. 7) The sky become dark in the evening. 8) Mita and Rama acted in films together.
4) I traveled to Hyderabad regularly. 5) This train went to Chennai. 6) He dropped the book on the floor. 7) The sky become dark in the evening. 8) Mita and Rama acted in films together. 9) The grasshopper hopped from flower to flower.
4) I traveled to Hyderabad regularly. 5) This train went to Chennai. 6) He dropped the book on the floor. 7) The sky become dark in the evening. 8) Mita and Rama acted in films together. 9) The grasshopper hopped from flower to flower. 10) I saw bees in my garden.