Rhyming word of 'night in the above lines is
a. Beside
b. Green
c. Right
ii) Which word in the above lines is opposite to seen?
a. Green
b. Unseen
c. Walks
Read the extracts and answer the question that follows
"Then mighty king, grant me, one last request,
parts: First my head, with its crown of waving
with its hundred strong arms and hands. At last
heaviest and knottiest of my limb upon it."
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Rhyming names of the night is right. The opposite of seen is unseen.
Other rhyming words:
- Heaviest - knottiest
- Grant - plant
- King-ming
- Grant - shant
- crown - thrown
- Heaviest - fullest
- Mighty - shiny
Opposite words:
- Head - toes
- King - queen
- Grant - order
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