Rice varieties available at my grocer shop
Answer: The varieties of the rice available at the grocery shop are: Aizon Rice.
Basmati rice.
Bhut Muri.
Champaa Rice
Clearfield Rice and many more. For about 40,000 varieties of this grain called as rice is available worldwide.
The rice varieties are called rice cultivars. For making the sake, only 9 varieties of the rice is used.
There is a large variety of rice available at the grocery store. They can be summarised as
a. Ambemohar
b. Annapoorna
c. Atop
d. Basmati
e. Bhut Muri
f. Champa Rice
g. Clearfield Rice and so on.
Since so many varieties are popular, rice forms a staple diet for more than half of the human population on the Earth. The rice varieties on the field are referred as to Rice Cultivars. 9 varieties are used to cook delicacies.