I appear in every minute and second but never in a thousand months.
The letter 'E'
The above question is a RIDDLE. So the answer is quite tricky. We all must have thought what comes in every minute and second should also come in a thousand months. But in the above question it is told it does not comes.
The answer is the letter 'E' . How?
Minute - the letter 'e' is there
Second - the letter 'e' is there too
Thousand months - The letter 'e' is not there
Answer :
The letter "E"
Explanation :
This question is bit tricky only based on Logical thiking.
Let me tell that how I got this answer.
Given :
I appear in every minute and second but never in a thousand months.
Umm...It implies that the thing appears in every minute and second but never in a thousand months. So, What's it?
The question is saying that that thing appears in every minute and second but never in a thousand months.
Let's check for the letter "E"
Minute - the letter 'e' is there.
Second - the letter 'e' is there too
Thousand months - The letter 'e' is not there.
Hence, The answer is the letter "e."