Rights and duties go hand in hand. Do you think citizens are obliged to perform certain duties, since they are enjoying Fundamental Rights? Write your opinion
Now-a-days, terms like ‘right to education’, ‘right to information’ and ‘right to protest
peacefully’ are being used quite frequently. Many a time, you also feel that you have
certain rights. Simultaneously, you may have been told by some one, may be your
teacher, that you have certain duties towards other individuals, society, nation or the
humanity. But do you think that every human being enjoys the rights or everyone
performs the duties? Perhaps not. But everyone will agree that there are certain rights
that must be enjoyed by individuals. Particularly, in a democratic country like ours,
there are rights that must be guaranteed to every citizen. Similarly there are certain
duties that must be performed by democratic citizens. Which is why, the Constitution
of India guarantees some rights to its citizens. They are known as Fundamental Rights.
Besides, the Indian Constitution also enlists certain core duties that every citizen is
expected to perform. These are known as Fundamental Duties. This lesson aims at
discussing the details about the Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
explain the meaning of rights and duties and critically evaluate their need and
importance in our day to day life;
assess the importance of Fundamental Rights given in the Constitution of India
and analyse their exceptions and restrictions;
appreciate the implications of recently added Right to Education;
compare between Fundamental Rights and Human Rights;
understand the process of seeking justice through constitutional means in case
of violation of Fundamental Rights; and
appreciate the importance of Fundamental Duties and the need to perform them
as a good and law-abiding citizen of India.
MODULE - 3 Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties
Democracy at Work
We often talk about rights, but do you know what does the term ‘rights’ mean? Rights
are rules of interaction between people. They place constraints and obligations upon
the actions of the state and individuals or groups. For example, if one has a right
to life, this means that others do not have the liberty to kill him or her. Rights are
defined as claims of an individual that are essential for the development of his or her
own self and that are recognized by society or State. These are legal, social, or ethical
principles of freedom or entitlement and are the fundamental normative rules about
what is allowed to people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social
convention, or ethical theory. Rights are often considered fundamental to civilization,
being regarded as established pillars of society and culture.
But the rights have real meaning only if individuals perform duties. A duty is something
that someone is expected or required to do. Parents, for example, have a duty to
take care of their child. You have duties towards your parents. A teacher has a duty
to educate students. In fact, rights and duties are two wheels on which the chariot
of life moves forward smoothly. Life can become smoother if rights and duties go
hand in hand and become complementary to each other. Rights are what we want
others to do for us whereas the duties are those acts which we should perform for
others. Thus, a right comes with an obligation to show respect for the rights of others.
The obligations that accompany rights are in the form of duties. If we have the right
to enjoy public facilities like transport or health services, it becomes our duty to allow
others to avail the same. If we have the right to freedom, it becomes our duty not
to misuse this and harm others.
Write down in the boxes given below your rights and your duties towards family,
There was a commander
There was a conqueror
There was a man who is equal to a billion man
He crushed the super powers of his time.
He crushed Persian empire he crushed romans
He conquered iraq. iran Jordan Armenia, He became the conqueror of sham . He was the man who was remained undefeated is 200 battle he never lost a battle in his life. The undefeated commander
the undefeated ruler the undefeated general
This is ----Khalid bin waleed R.A