English, asked by raystreamreshmpcgqle, 11 months ago

Rising incomes of middle class families are leading to obesity among children. Poring over books for hours coupled with the lure of TV and the Internet has led to a sedentary life-style. Addiction of junk food is another cause of obesity. Write an article in 150-200 words on obesity, its causes and how to prevent it


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Obesity Among Young Children

The problem of obesity has become quite widespread. There are many factors behind it. Rising income of middle class families, sitting in front of TV for hours, staying indoors, not playing outdoor games, junk food, etc. are some of the many factors.

This sedentary life-style is harmful—physically and mentally! Playing outdoor games is so essential to the proper physical growth and development. While playing them one really has to exert one’s muscles, bones, sinews, tendons, and other organs. This physical movement is so wholesome for our health.

Sitting continuously for hours and watching senseless TV programmes just affects their bodies negatively. The children these days have become couch potatoes. Obesity is very harmful for health. It may cause heart-related diseases, high-blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, asthma, etc. apart from leading to low self-esteem.

The elders must make strict TV watching regime for the young children. They must encourage them to play outdoor games.

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