is suffering of chickenpox give give the main symptoms of the disease and the kind of care to be given to her
Before the rash appears, there will be:
a general feeling of being unwell (malaise)
fever, which is usually worse in adults than children
aching muscles
loss of appetite
in some cases, a feeling of nausea
After the rash appears, there will be:
Rash: Severity varies from a few spots to a rash that covers the whole body.
Spots: The spots develop in clusters and generally appear on the face, limbs, chest, and stomach. They tend to be small, red, and itchy.
Blisters: Blisters can develop on the top of the spots. These can become very itchy.
Clouding: Within about 48 hours, the blisters cloud over and start drying out. A crust develops.
Healing: Within about 10 days, the crusts fall off on their own.
During the whole cycle, new waves of spots can appear - in such cases, the patient might have different clusters of spots at varying stages of itchiness, dryness, and crustiness.
Other symptoms
A few people have more severe symptoms.
If the following occur, a doctor should be contacted:
the skin around the spots or blisters becomes painful and red
there are breathing difficulties
Most healthy individuals make a full recovery, as with a cold or flu, by resting and drinking plenty of fluids.