Rivers form v shaped valley
The V-Shaped Valley
A V-shaped valley is formed when a flowing river cuts into the earth. The valley gets its V shape when rain and runoff flow down the banks of the river, causing erosion; V-shaped valleys are most commonly found in the mountains.Yosemite Valley is one of the most popular V-shaped Valleys.
V-shaped valley
As the river erodes downwards the sides of the valley are exposed to freeze-thaw weathering which loosens the rocks (some of which will fall into the river) and steepens the valley sides. The rocks which have fallen into the river help the process of corrasion and this leads to further erosion.A valley formed by flowing water, called fluvial valley or river valley, is usually V-shaped. The exact shape will depend on the characteristics of the stream flowing through it. Rivers with steep gradients, as in mountain ranges, produce steep walls and a bottom.
The rocks which have fallen into the river help the process of corrasion and this leads to further erosion.A valley formed by flowing water, called fluvial valley or river valley, is usually V-shaped. The exact shape will depend on the characteristics of the stream flowing through it. Rivers with steep gradients, as in mountain ranges, produce steep walls and a bottom.