Riya and tanishka together bought a lottery ticket costing Rs 100 . Riya put in Rs 30 and tanishka put in Rs 70 . They won a prize of Rs 1800 . They decided to share the prize in the ratio of 30 : 70 . How much money did each recieve ?
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as the ratio is 3:7 so the money received will be in same ratio so let common multiple be x the
value of x will be 180
so riya will receive 180×3=540
tanishka will receive 180×7=1260
value of x will be 180
so riya will receive 180×3=540
tanishka will receive 180×7=1260
The ratio is 30:70
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540 to receive for Riya then 1800-540=1260. Tanisha
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