Rohit is a 35 years old Manager in a Chemical distributing firm. He is responsible for supervising and managing all the employees in the office. Employees working in the office are between the age of 18 years old to 55 years old. In addition, the employees come from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. For some of the employees, English is not their primary language.
Rohit always works hard and tries to keep up with the safety issues in the office while dealing with the packaging or delivering chemicals in the office. He keeps the safety of the employees as his priority but he admits it’s not easy while dealing with chemicals. Employees receive the training sessions about chemical safety basics as how to keep different chemicals in different temperature zones, and hygiene, cleanliness and sanitization. The employees respect and appreciate his support and efforts towards his employees. The owner of the firm is also very supportive of Rohit in his efforts towards safety because he knows any kind of chemical leakage or outpouring from the packaging can cause a huge trouble in the office. Still, the owner knows that there are additional costs for training and making sure all the stuff is handled safely.
One day Rohit comes to work and is rather upset even before he steps into the office. He seemed to have a really bad time at his home as he kept murmuring about some problems with his family. When he went into the store room of the office, he notices that there are a few bottles of a particular diluted acid dripping on the floor due to reckless handling of the packages on the same shelf. And, he also notices that some of the packets which need to be kept at a lower temperature in the fridge are still lying on the storeroom cupboards. He feels extremely frustrated and doesn’t know what to do. He feels like casting pearls before a pig when it comes to getting employees to practice these safety measures while dealing with chemicals.
Rohit has taken many steps to get employees to be safe in how they handle chemicals especially the concentrated ones. He has huge signs and posters posted all over the office and storeroom with different words like: CHECK CHEMICAL TEMPERATURE, KEEP ACID BOTTLES SEPARATELY, DO NOT MIX ACID BOTTLES, WEAR GLOVES ALWAYS, WASH YOUR HANDS AND SANITIZE, ETC. All employees are provided with body-suits and gloves so that when they start their work they do not harm themselves by spilling liquid acids on themselves. Hand sinks, soap, and paper towels are available for employees so that they are encouraged to wash their hands frequently.
1. Mention the apparent gaps in communication which you find prevalent in the above case study.
2. What are some ways that Rohit might use effective communication as a motivator for employees to follow safe chemical handling practices?
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