English, asked by niyati2165, 10 months ago

Rohit/Radhika Awasthi reads the news item on the next page in the ‘Daily Times’ about the increasing number of crimes committed by teenagers.
Teen Crimes Stun City!
The last few months have witnessed a spate of crimes committed by school children, including thefts and kidnappings.
The recent cases have revealed that it’s either greed or uncontrollable anger/frustration that leads to crimes.
The driving thought that some youngsters today have is, ‘If he has it, why can’t I?’, for others, ‘it’s to maintain
lifestyle or just to show off,’ avers Nihal Nair (13 years) of Victoria High School. Anger has engulfed teenagers. I’- There is a lot of frustration because of unrealistic parental expectations and societal demands as well.
As Rohit/Radhika, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views. Complete the following letter in not more than 120 words.


Answered by maryamkincsem


Daily Times,




Respected Sir,

 I read your article related to the increasing number of crimes committed by teenagers. It was quite a logical article but what I think that article missed was a guide on how to stop or at least decrease such crimes.  

  Teenagers now a day have more competition than ever. Parents need to build a strong understanding relationship with their kids so that kids can talk about things that bother them. Also, parents as well as our whole society need to rebuild our morals as now morals are revolving around materialistic things. We need to make sure that our kids understand how thankful we should be for what we have and stop comparing themselves with others. Parents also should not compare their kids to others as it can really be frustrating and can lead them to make serious crimes.


  I hope you understand my point of view and convey this message to our society so that we, together can do something about this as it is a serious problem which should be faced together, by the whole society.  

Concerned Citizen.  

Radhika Awasthi

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