English, asked by kiran4125, 10 months ago

role models can influence your life. give answer in 3to4 paragraph ​


Answered by ginegoel

This is maybe one of the most crucial aspects on the path of self-improvement. As creatures of comfort oftentimes we refuse to abandon our comfort zone, lacking the motivation, not having or not feeling that strong urge within us.

But being also example driven, we come to realize that all of that can sometimes be found among others, or to be more precise, driven from others, your best role models.

Positive role models fill that position quite nicely, and having one or more in our lives more often than not acts as an indicator that we are about to score big in the game of self-improvement.

“People seldom improve when they have no other role model but themselves to copy.” – Oliver Goldsmith.

Our positive role models motivate us, teach us in a specific way to an extent where we uncover our true potentials, and overcome our barriers. They leave us with the opportunity to develop not only fairly innocuous with regards to our personality, but rather alongside with it in the most natural of ways.

We get to witness our traits, see beyond the faults right into their solution. In other words, we are rendered from what could have been our mediocre, and left to develop our greatness in every aspect of life.

And while all of this sounds overpromising, the truth of the matter is that we know the power behind it. We felt it in some instance in our lives, and are now able to recognize the motive, the inspiration and the drive within us once we have someone to direct us, or better yet show us the example by which we will change for better.

The experience is cathartic, and by that the results are great too. And that is the importance of having a good role models in our life.

if it helps you please migrate my answer

kiran4125: what is your Name
ginegoel: gunjan
Answered by LostInJordan

When We are truly inspired by a person and we look forward to be like one of them, let's take Usain Bolt he was a poor boy with not much money,but then with his hardwork and dedication he became a succesful Olympic runner.It doesn't matter how much money we earn,you can become someone hardworking with commitment. People were inspired by his story of life.

I Hope This Helped

kiran4125: bor can you give me the same in more lines
LostInJordan: sure
LostInJordan: People who inspire you, becomes your inspiration you feel motivated and want to achieve that goal in your life as he did.Giving Up Won't be in your vocabulary and they become a role model for you.
LostInJordan: and by that you can become great and achieve what you want.
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