English, asked by yogeshpatil57790, 9 months ago

'Role of Bullocks in farming'


Answered by nathanronald218


Explanation:The bullocks serve as a major source of power for traction in agriculture operations, load transportation and other rotary and sundry activities. ... Draught animals powered Indian agriculture to a greater extent in the past but the use of draught animals, with time is dwindling.

This leads to their upkeep becoming uneconomical, particularly during off season. It has created great disruption by rendering male animals unusable. Thus male-female (Cows & Bullocks) utilization has caused disparity which is unsustainable.

Recently, new developments have taken place to bring about mechanization of agriculture. Owing to the shortage of diesel oil and its increased price, the use of tractor etc. will have to be restricted to deep ploughing, land leveling, land clearing and other operations which cannot be carried out by bullock power. For short distances bullock carts are more effective than trucks, hence the necessity for improving them. Bullock drawn cultivator and disc harrow has gained popularity due to higher output (2-3 times more area coverage) and better quality of work.

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