role of chief miniistre point way
The Chief Minister and his powers and functions:
The Governor appoints the leader of the majority party in the State Legislative Assembly as the Chief Minister. He is the head of the State Council of Ministers. The State Council of Ministers revolves round him.
The Chief Minister has no fixed term of office. He remains in office so long as he commands support of the majority members of the Legislative Assembly. When he loses support in the legislature, he has to resign. The resignation of the Chief Minister must means the resignation of the whole Council of Ministers in the State.
The Chief Minister must be a member of the State Legislature. If hre is not a member of the State legislature at the time of his taking over charge, then he must be so within a period of six months.
Powers and functions:
The Chief Minister plays an important role in the formation of the Council of Ministers. On the advice of the Chief Minister, the Governor appoints the other Ministers of the Council of Ministers and distributes among them the portfolios. As the head of the Council of Ministers, he presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers and the Cabinet.
The Chief Minister supervises the activities of different ministries and advises them accordingly. He also coordinates the activities of different ministries. He has to see that the principle of collective responsibility is maintained by the Ministers.
The Chief Minister plays an important role in making policies of the State Government. He has to ensure that the policies of the government do not go against public interest. His voice is final in policy decisions of the State Government.
He also an important role in making higher appointments of the State Government. The Governor appoints different higher officials of the State Government on the advice of the Chief Minister and his Council of Ministers.
The Chief Minister is the channel of communication between the Governor and the other members of the Council of Ministers. He has to keep the Governor informed of the decisions taken by the Council of Ministers on various matters relating to State administration.
The Chief Minister is the chief administrator of the State. All major decisions of the State Government are taken under his leadership. He is responsible for over all working of the state departments. He has also to maintain a good and harmonious relation with the Central Government.
As the leader of the majority party in the Legislative Assembly, the Chief Minister has to see that party discipline is maintained in the House. He has also to defend the ministers of his Council of Ministers on the floor of the House from the criticisms of the opposition.
The success of the State Government depends to a great extent upon the leadership of the Chief Mister. If he is strong, dynamic and efficient, them the government will definitely perform well and rise up to the expectations of the people.