Role of children in combating corruption in the society
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“ROLE OF THE YOUTH IN COMBATING CORRUPTION” “The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.” Kurt CobainCorruption is the main cause of nuisance around the world. By definition, corruption is misusing of thepower for personal or private gain (Transparency International). Corruption stands for impairment ofintegrity, virtue or moral principle or inducement of wrong by bribery or other unlawful means. By everydefinition, corruption means the violations of the country laws, social and ethical norms. In short, it isthe curse, which weakens the roots of a nation.The greatest wealth and strength of any nation is its youth. The future of a nation lies in the hands of itsposterity. Benjamin Disraeli said,“The Youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity.”It is only due tocourage, determination, and spirit of youth that a nation prospers and progress. Youth can play animportant role in eradicating corruption, as they constitute more than half of the human population sothere power is immense only if they realize it.Corruption is one of the massive problems confronting Pakistan. It has badly affected the state ofeconomy, quality of standard and social justice available to the people. Corruption has eaten up theinnocence of people belonging to all walks, sections and classes in the country. According toTransparency International world corruption report, 2011 Pakistan stands 42nd in ranking amongst themost corrupt nations in the world. Since its inception, Pakistan undergoes political instability due tocorrupt leadership and dishonest politician. It was due to the agility of leaders, the romantic idealism ofits youth and the diversity of its agro-climate conditions to defeat all odds. Today we need that kind ofspirit in our youth to combat corruption in the country.The youth of any nation are its potential energy. They are the ones who are the pride of the nation.Unless tapped in the right way, this very energy of the youth can tip over the other side and becomedestructive and dangerous for the society. Youth is highly affected due to corruption; they arediscouraged due to inequality and immorality in the society, non-availability of opportunities,breakdown of family values, unemployment, poor or inadequate education, so first they become victimof corruption and eventually become the corrupt. In order to remove all these malpractices and ill deedsfrom the society youth should raise voice against corruption.
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