Biology, asked by anishagrawal338, 7 months ago

Role of diaphragm and ribs in respiration? Are both active in men and women


Answered by amanattri551222


When you breathe in, or inhale, your diaphragm contracts (tightens) and moves downward. This increases the space in your chest cavity, into which your lungs expand. The intercostal muscles between your ribs also help enlarge the chest cavity. They contract to pull your rib cage both upward and outward when you inhale.

both men and women breath in same way diaphragm and chest muscles contract making contract chest cavity smaller and air come out the muscles relax chest cavity gets larger and air comes on.when the diaphragm relaxes and returns normal shape breathing difficulty for women who are pregant come late in pregant as the fetus grows and takes up space

other organs in abdomen are pushed out of the way this leaves less room for the diaphragm to relax down into that when the diaphragm does not move all the way down the chest cavity not get as large this means that it is harder to take breath in this is difference is not a lot of problems with fetus developing because of this


Brainly User



Here is your answer,


Role of diaphragm is to :

1. According to The Merck Manual, the lungs themselves do not have any muscular structures. Instead, they rely on the diaphragm and muscles in the neck, abdomen and between the ribs to power the breathing process. The diaphragm is a thick, dome-shaped sheet of muscle that serves as the dividing line between the chest and abdominal cavities.

Role of ribs :

1. Is to hold the chest cavity.

2. Exand to give space for expanding chest or lungs.


HOPE YOU WILL UNDERSTAND MY WORDS, a request is here please as I am an ACE ranker I wish that to make my way easy for the GENIUS rank you should mark my answer brainlest if you wish then only ☺


Answered by friendlyfog



Diaphragm is a muscular dome shaped tissue present at the floor of the chest cavity separating ab¬domen from respiratory system.

Diaphragm expands downwards into the abdomen thus increasing chest cavity. This allows the lungs to expand as we inhale.

As the diaphragm contracts up¬wards thus decreasing the chest cavity, it allows the air to expel from the lungs.


The ribs protect the lungs and expand as we inhale to facilitate space for the lungs to expand. The ribs then contract expelling the air in the lungs.

The intercostal muscles present between the ribs help in contraction and relax¬ation of ribs. .

In man, diaphragm plays a major role in respiration, while in women, the ribs play a major role.

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