Role of government and private sector in tourism development
Development of tourism infrastructure requires heavy investment in wide-ranging and diverse activities. Many of these activities are in the form of public utilities like power, water, gas and transport etc. These services are so vital to the society that government intervention is considered inevitable even in those countries which follow "free market" policies.
Due to its diversity, tourism has to inter-face with several other sectors of the economy. The Government has to play a major role in channelling of funds to various Federal and Provincial departments for undertaking development and maintenance of Roads, Highways, Motorways, Bus Terminals, Railways, Air-services, Sea-ports etc. Provision of land at concessional rates and supply of utilities in the tourism priority areas is also essential. In the absence of these basic requisites, private sector initiatives would not sprout, let alone grow. Therefore, comprehensive long and short term plans for development of tourism super-structure are to be identified, co-ordinated and implemented by the Government.
Apart from investing in provision of basic services, the Government identifies tourism products, preserves heritage, environment and ecology.