Biology, asked by Vanella9287, 1 year ago

Role of hydrolyzed casein in plant tissue culture


Answered by janmayjaisolanki78
Abstract: Interactive effects of genotypes with callus induction and plant regeneration medium combinations on callus induction and plantlet regeneration response were studied for five deepwater Indica rice cultivars namely; Habiganj Aman-1, Habiganj Aman-2, Habiganj Aman-8, Murabajal and Gheoch. Mature seed scutellums were cultured on MS and LS basal media supplemented with different combinations of 2,4-D, casein hydrolysate (CH) and proline. In cv. HA-8, basal medium combination of MS+2 mg L-1 2,4-D supplemented with 0.6% (w/v) CH was found to be the best for callogenesis where callusing frequency was 87%. The growth rate of callus was frequently increased by the addition of different concentrations of CH with callus induction media. On the other hand, when proline was supplemented in to callus induction media it had no residual effect on callus growth. Embryogenic calli were transferred on MS and LS based regeneration media supplemented with 2 mg L-1 BAP and also different concentrations of casein hydrolysate and proline. The highest regeneration frequency (80%) was observed in cv. HA-1 on LS basal media supplemented with only 2 mg L-1 BAP. 
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