Economy, asked by sakshamsingh7740, 1 year ago

Role of private banking in indian economy in points


Answered by omplenka


In  1969,  the  Banks  were  nationalized  by  the  then  G

ovt.  of  India.  This  step  has  changed  the  paradigm  s

hift  of

priority sector of banks from Class banking to Mass

Banking. The Banking should reach to poor sector o

f the society.

The 14 Indian commercial banks in private sector we

re nationalized in July 1969 and some others therea

fter were not

sufficient for Inclusive Financial Growth and to ex

tend credit to the rural and urban poor. Micro fina

ncing is one of the

important tools for inclusive growth. The Banks lik

e ICICI bank are trying to collaborate their servic

es with Self Help

Group in order to extend credit to these groups. Al

ong with private banks the leading foreign commerci

al banks like

Citibank, HSBC and the Standard Chartered Bank are

also looking for the business in rural India. The B

anks presently

are moving on the line of Agent base model than bra

nch base model. This helps banks to operate with ec

onomy. The

banks  are  now  introducing  mobile  based  services  con

cept  for  the  rural  sector  also  to  reach  to  the  rura

l  customers

directly. The economic reforms implemented from 199

0 must be linked with the structural financial inst

itution where

private  sector  banks  have  to  play  very  important  ro

le.  Capital  adequacy  norms,  product  innovation,  use

 of  modern

technology,  risk  management,  skill  and  efficiency  o

f  Human  resources,  application  of  corporate  governa

nce,  CRM,

customer  orientation,  asset  management  are  some  of

the  challenges  emerged  which  are  to  be  focused  by  t

he  private

sector banks. Thus in the developing economy like o

urs the private sector banks will help country grow

and prosper.

The cost reduction techniques and application of mo

dern technology will help the growth of private ban

king sector.  

Key words:

Class banking, Mass Banking, Structured financial i

nstitutions, stiff competition, Product innovation,

Customer Relations Management, Economic Reforms,  


“In  1969,  the  Banks  were  nationalized  by  the  then

Govt.  of  India.  This  step  has  changed  the  paradigm

shift  of

priority sector of banks from Class banking to Mass

Banking. The Banking should reach to poor sector o

f the society.

The 14 Indian commercial banks in private sector we

re nationalized in July 1969 and some others therea

fter were not

sufficient for Inclusive Financial Growth and to ex

tend credit to the rural and urban poor. Accordingl

y private banking

sector  entered  into  banking  scenario  for  further  fi

nancial  growth.  The  inclusion  of  weaker  section  of

the  society  in

financial aspects shall be the top priority of Indi

an economy. Merely nationalized or cooperative sect

or banking cannot

help  to  serve  this  purpose.  Accordingly  private  sec

tor  banks  have  to  play  vital  role  in  the  developmen

t  of  Indian

economy like ours. Presently the private sector Ban

ks are working only in Urban or Semi urban areas bu

t if they need

to hold and sustain the business it is important fo

r them to go to the rural Indian sector. The large

number of excluded

group  from  structural  financial  institutions  such  a

s  poor  and  unprivileged  sector  is  an  opportunity  fo

r    banking

business.  The  Banks  must  draft  their  strategies  and

 policies  suited  to  reach  to  the  excluded  customers

 from  banking

arena. The need base banking produces will help to

increase contribution of private sector banks in th

e Indian banking

scenario. Technology and expertise is not the probl

em for Indian banking sector and especially for the

private banking

sector. it must be properly concentrated.  

The  private  sector  banks  are  subject  to  the  provis

ions  of  the  banking  Regulation  Act,  1949.  The  publi

c  sector

banks  are  governed  by  their  respective  funding  stat

us  and  by  those  provisions  of  Banking  Regulation  Ac

t,  which  is

specifically applicable for them only. The Urban Co

operative Banks on the other hand are governed by t

he provisions

of  cooperative  societies  Act  of  the  respective  stat

es  and  certain  provisions  of  Banking  Regulation  Act

 are  also

applicable  to  them.  The  Banking  sector  policies  int

roduced  by  the  Govt.  of  India  help  to  promote  Pvt.

Banking  in



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