Role of radio and telivision in rural development in india
radio and television helped a lot in the development of rural areas, since they were the only methods of their entertainment. along with that they even make them aware of the news headlines and what is happening all around the world especially our country india, it also made them aware about todays world and all the new schemes that were launched by our prime minister for their development. it also told them about some social awareness about polio,TB etc. also radio is quite cheap that any one can afford you only have to put some batteries in it and there you go you have the whole world in your hands for the whole month or even more than that! and it also not something that everyone should have if only few peoples are having it then also everyone can watch or listen to it and get awared also you dont have to get any extra subscriptions for it our government runs a free channel on tv which is DD NATIONAL in which you get everything and also they run a radio station called VIVID BHARTI it also tells you about everything so long thing short it played a very vital role in the development of the rural areas!!