English, asked by muanawma5133, 11 months ago

Role of student in politic in simple language compo writing


Answered by Indianpatriot



“All power to imagination.” In the late 60s, the walls of the factories and streets in France were covered with slogans like this. These slogans, mostly leftists, were chorused by one-fifth of the French population against capitalism, consumerism and traditional institutions. Interestingly, this unrest was stemmed by a few campus students for sexual liberation in dorms, but it led to snap legislative elections.

The same year, in 1968, students in Poland, Germany, Spain and across the globe protested especially against authoritarianism and imperialism. These protests collectively resulted in the social revolution in these regions. As a matter of fact, having realized the strength of students from these global phenomena, our own history of organized student protests in 1947 and students’ participation in the 50s rebellion against the Rana regime, the Communist Party of Nepal and Nepali Congress formed students’ unions, namely ANNFSU and NSU respectively.


These narratives are relevant because unlike its impact in history, the role and future of student politics in Nepal have become questionable. The core of politics is to discourse on agendas and find political solutions to problems. However, our student politics is still far off these agendas. In recent years in the political stalemate of Nepal we have witnessed the utmost passiveness and reluctance of our student leaders towards socio-political and global issues. As a result, our universities and campuses have become a breeding ground for intellectual, moral and emotional failure. And this is why the necessity of student politics in our campuses and universities has been questioned from time to time.

Many argue that the purpose of attending colleges and universities is to pursue a degree and get a good job. This is more apparent in middle-class families who want their children to study well and secure their livelihood.

People don’t want students to engage in political activities due to its connection to money, violence and muscle power. Others argue that educational institutions should make students politically conscious and teach them to ask questions. The purpose of an educational institution is not only to instruct the curriculum but also to produce equally responsible and aware citizens by facilitating dialectical research. The student unions, on the other hand, act as a link between students and the campus administration, make the administration accountable, help them organize events and address grievances faced by students. So it is almost contradictory to the practices of democracy and liberty to expect apolitical campuses and universities.


However, the incompetence of our student leaders and several other anomalies in student politics cannot be neglected. The political storm that India witnessed last year after the suicide of a ‘Dalit’ scholar at the University of Hyderabad and episodes of events in Jawaharlal Nehru University have several lessons. In these rows, students used their political platforms, under the norms and values of democracy, to take political stands and questioned their laws and policies, advocated social justice, and also sought the definition of nationality. It was seen that the student leaders had clear policies and strategies based on their political inclinations – the progressive left or the traditional right.

Answered by pranitkhandekar8

Explanation:Instead of being a timid and shy bookworm, he grows into an aggressive, dominating and alert young man who knows how to fight the battle of life. Participation in politics trains a student to be a good citizen. It gives him training in the democratic way of life. He grows into a responsible and cultured citizen.

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