role of teacher in idealism
Idealism is the oldest philosophy in the Western culture. It is a philosophical approach stating that ideas and knowledge are the only true reality. The main focus of idealism is on conscious reasoning in the mind. The father of idealism, Plato, believed that people should concern themselves in searching for the truth. As a Greek philosopher, he believed that man did not create knowledge but discovered it.
idealists believe that the aim of education should be directed toward the search for true ideas, self-realization, and character development.behaviour is also important for idealists.Idealistic ideas always helps us to remove the negatives and attach the positives.
According to idealist, the teacher must be excellent in order to serve as an example for the student, both intellectually and morally. Some examples of the teacher’s roles consist of: assisting students in choosing important material, serving as exemplary models, encouraging students to ask questions, and providing a suitable environment for learning. Idealists have high expectations of the teacher.Idealistic teachers are the lights for a student in darkness and the motivators of the positives and diminishers of the negatives.So,be an idealistic teacher and Student.
accept ideas of students.
faciliated thinking of students for democrative society.
encourage the student to share their own ideas
lecture method is considerd in which a dliverd lecture and students listen to the teacher.
teacher involve the students in learning activities.
help person to become more rational.individual growt throgh process , experience snd problem solving.