Role of women in the social development of Paired state Rajasthan
The status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. With a decline in their status from the ancient to medieval times, to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers, their history has been eventful.
Women's rights under the Constitution of India mainly include equality, dignity, and freedom from discrimination; additionally, India has various statutes governing the rights of women.
As of 2018, women have served at several top posts in the Indian government, including that of the President of India, the Prime Minister of India, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. However, women in India continue to face numerous problems such as sexual assault, gender inequality and dowry.
An accessing the recognition in fields of education,household decision making power, financial autonomy, freedom of movement, exposure to media, political participation in the state of Assam and Madhya Pradesh women has worked really hard by obtaining from various sources.
The women their enjoy their role of development with quite inferiority as compared to other parts of India. Both the states have higher literacy rate of females which results in increasing rate of female participation in workforce.
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