Rom is a non volatile memory because
ROM or Read Only Memory refers mainly to the part of system program that is inbuilt and required for the operating system to function properly. It's there in the motherboards in case of computers. It helps in memory management, data transfer and such tasks. It is coded in a fashion such that it is optimised for the system and also locked so that no edit can be made to reduce risk of system breakdown. Now since it's locked it's called non-volatile memory. Now as for your topics you have for for question as Android Custom ROMs, it has nothing to do with systems programming. It is a term used for a custom opposing operating system based on Cyanogen or Android Stock. The non-volatility you are mentioning is not directly associated with custom ROMs. And you can change any code of an Android OS, when while it's installed, which you should never so. Not really non-volatile !!!!!