Root hairs are adapted to absorption and Xylem to support. Relate their functions to their structure answers
basically the root hair is adapted for absorption as it has a large surface area which speeds up the process of the diffusion of water and minerals from the root to the rest of the plant. The Xylem vessels have thick walls made of lignin which is a very hard and strong material, hence providing support for plants.
Answer:Essentially all of the water used by the plants are absorbed by roots from soil. Roots are covered with root hairs that significantly increases the absorptive surface area and improve contact between roots and soil. Root hairs are small hair like cytoplasmic extensions from the epidermal cells of the root. Root hairs prnetrate in between the soil particles and come in close contact with water molecule. Through cell wall watercan easily iffuse in and then by osmosis passes through the cell membrane reaching the vacuole.
Xylem consists of fibres, vessels and tracheids. Vessels are dead and hollow and join together to form long tubes. Once the water reach the xylem of roots, then iy is transported throughout the plant body. Due to presence of lignin in the xylem, it also provide support to the plant body.