Science, asked by mrinalenduchoudhury2, 4 months ago

Make a Crossword! in copy
Make a crossword using the answers.
1. This mineral is essential for formation of bones and teeth - Calcium
2. Chemical name for Vitamin E
3. This is also referred to as the dietary fibre
4. Body-building foods = Protiens
5. Eight B vitamins are collectively known as Vitamin B complese.
6. This makes up two-third of our body weight water
7. Extreme deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates causes this disease Marasiaus
8. Sugars and starch are examples of this =
9. Phylloquinone is also referred to as vitamin K
10. Disease caused due to deficiency of calcium in children Rickelt un children)​


Answered by anjanaforneeraj

ok i will solve this cross word puzzle

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