Math, asked by gill93726, 1 month ago

Round off nearest 100 = 467​


Answered by ishanjadli111


Round off nearest 100 = 467 is 0

Answered by Ahil112233

Remember that the tens place is two moves from the left of the decimal point (if it exists). To round to the nearest ten (nearest 10), we use the whole numbers place to determine whether the tens place rounds up or stays the same.

Solution steps:

Step 1: Locate and underline the tens place (6) and look to the right (7):


Step 2: In this case, the digit to the right (7) is 5 or above. So, we add 1 to the tens place (6). The digit(s) at the right (7) becomes 0, thus we get 470 as answer.

In short: 467 rounded to the nearest tens is 470

How to Round Numbers to the Nearest X

This calculator uses symetric rounding. That means it rounds in such a way that it rounds away from zero.

So, for example:

2.5 rounds up to 3, so -2.5 should round to -3.

This rule taught in basic math is used because it is very simple, requiring only looking at the next digit to see if it is 5 or more.

There are other ways of rounding numbers like:

Half Round Up (the common method of rounding)

Round to Even (Banker's Rounding)

Half Round Down

Round to nearest even

Round/truncate towards zero


Rounding 467

467 to the nearest thousands is 0

467 to the nearest hundreds is 500

467 to the nearest tens is 470

467 to the nearest whole number is 467

467 to the nearest tenths is 467.0

467 to the nearest hundredths is 467.00

467 to the nearest thousandths is 467.000

Examples of Rounding Calculations

0.137 to the nearest hundredth1.836 to the nearest integer1.57 to the nearest integer1.201 to the nearest tenth1.852 to the nearest tenth63 to the nearest ten0.034 to the nearest hundredth399 to the nearest ten0.731 to the nearest hundredth157 to the nearest ten


Mark as brainlist answer

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